ACOUSTIC ENERGY100SERIES Firstintroduced in 1995,the original100 Series placed Acoustic Energy f irm ly on the m ap for m any m usic and hi-f i enthusiasts.The 100 Series delivered the “AE Sound”to an entry-levelrange that shook up the loudspeaker m arket in the sam e way the originalAE1 did back in 1987.
In 2017,to celebrate our 30th anniversary and a return to British ownership, we revived the 100 Series nam e and launched a new 100 Series.Now, afteram azing suc es and a 5-yearrun,the design team decided itwas tim e to shake up the budget Hi-Fiarenaand raise the baronce again. The new 100 Series isn’t just an upgrade, it’s a com pletely new design from the ground up.The design briefwas to try and m aintain the com pact dim ensions and sleek appearance ofthe previous 100 Series while ofering a m ore m ature, refined sound with greaterbandwidth and powerhandling. So,what’schanged? Firstin line foran upgrade wasthe m ain drive unit; the 4” paper cone used for over a decade had perform ed adm irably but we’d extracted al the perform ance we could getfrom it.The decision was m ade to m ove up to a 5” drive unit - this tim e utilsing a 4 layervoice coilwith fluxringsto enable greaterdynam ics,headroom and clarity.Thiscreated a new problem of growing size while wanting to keep those com pactdim ensions. EnterHDF (High DensityFibreboard).O urengineers cam e to the conclusion they needed m ore internal volum e to achieve m axim um benefitfrom the new 5” driver. After much calculation and experim entation,the decision wasm ade to m ove to HDF - unheard of at this price-point and usualy lim ited to the very high-end. HDF provides the option ofusing thinnercabinetwalswith no los in acoustic perform ance,the m as and stifnes ofthe 15m m HDF being the sam e as the previous 18m m M DF.The resultofthism ove isasm al15% increase in cabinetsize butwith a 30% increase in internal volume gained over the previous 100 Series speakers.
AE109²in W alnut
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