The final piece of the puz le was retaining the fantastic integration and musicaly rewarding character the slim line100Seriescabinetsbenefited from .Forthis,anew 25m m soft-dom e tweeter and waveguide was developed to perfectlym atch the new bas driver… taking a leafoutofthe 500 Seriesbook and pushing them as close together as physicaly pos ible thanksto a cutawaytrim . M eetthe Fam ily… AE100 2 The AE100² is a compact stand-mount/bookshelf loudspeaker exhibiting qualities perfectly em bodying those ofAcousticEnergy. The AE100²hasbeen designed with a view to achieving high sound pres ure levels from a sm al enclosure.This is obtained principaly through the use ofa 130m m m id-bas drive unitbuilt around an ultra-high force,long throw m otor system . Bas perform ance is augm ented by a slot shaped duct alowing for a considerable cros -sectional area while negating the is uesofairturbulence. A 25m m softdom e tweeterfeaturing our Wide Dispersion Technology com pletesthe drivercom plim entand ishoused within a15m m HDF cabinet. Taking design cues from the award-winning 500 Seriesand finished in a choice of satin white, black or walnut vinyl veneer finishes. The AE100²issureto lookgood placed on speakerstands orbookshelves,while delivering a sound that belies its com pactsize.
Aestheticaly the new 100 Series retains sim ilar lines to the older generation but with a cleaner and m ore refined form factor.Cabinetfinisheshave also been im proved along with a dedicated flared trim on the bas port and higher-grade binding posts. The 100 Seriescom prisessix m odels,from stand-m ountsto a fulhom e cinem asetup and the soon to be launched AE105,a wal-m ount loudspeaker. Al speakers are available in satin black and walnut finishes with the AE100 2 and AE105 also available in satin white.
AE100²in W alnuton dedicated Hi-FiRacksStands
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