AE120 2 As the flagship ofthe range,the AE120²isthe largestm odelin the 100seriesand atrue3-waydesign. This speaker ofers a big sound from a slim-line enclosure, tastefuly styled to blend into a wide range of domestic environm ents.Twinbas driveunits underpin the room filing performance with a dedicated m id-range driverhoused in itsown enclosure, carefuly designed to m itigate the harm fulefectsofrear wave reflections.Integrated within the perfectly matched Wide Dispersion Technology (WDT) waveguide, Acoustic Energy’s 25m m softdom e tweeterm anages the high frequencies with controled dispersion, high sensitivity and low distortion. The 3-way cros overisim pedance compensated to avoid the resonance isues which would otherwise slow bas delivery and colour mid-range performance. Particularatention has also been paid to the phase and time alignm entforoptim um integration and soundstage. The result is a loudspeakerofering sm ooth,wide dispersion high frequencieswith a clean m id-range and lightning fast bas response. The inert cabinet enclosure is constructed from 15m m HDF and like it’s sm aler AE109² brother, supplied mas loaded to help dampen cabinet vibrations. The internal bracing system hasbeen carefulytuned to reduce cabinet resonances and m id-range colouration, whilst the new AE120² benefits from a subtlety styled,discrete satin black plinth to aide stabilty, further improving dynamics and stereo focus.
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