Music at Home+ Summer 2022

AE107 2 For hom e cinem a and m ulti-channel m usic system s, the AE107² is a 2-way horizontalm ountloudspeakerdesigned for centre channel applications. The AE107² delivers exceptionalarticulation and detailthroughout the vocalrange, augmented by powerful bas perform ance from the reflex loaded rear slot port. The com pact centre speaker can be sited within a cabinet or on a shelf.

AE108 2 The AE108² is a new, com pact, yet extrem ely powerful active subwoofer. Designed to workseam les lyaspartofa multi-channel system including the AE100²s,AE109²s,AE120²s and AE107² and new AE105s,the AE108²isidealfor the m odern hom e where controled bas performance is required without com prom ising the living space. Atles than one cubic footin size and utilsing a 10” driver,the AE108²delivers a bas punch that belies its com pact dim ensions.Finished in a choice ofsatin black orwalnutvinylveneerthe AE108² can be positioned discretely into any room.

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