W ho are Spendor?
Spendor design,engineer and build al of their loudspeakers in the UK. Every Spendor loudspeakerisas em bled atourproduction facilty in Sus ex, with com ponents and cabinets al refined through theirown in-house R&D program . Their loudspeakers are easy to set up, work perfectly with whateverHi-Fiequipm entyou have and transform the way you hearand enjoy every style of m usic. Their tim eles , elegant design, which hasevolved overfive decades,m akesthem instantly and unobtrusively athom e in any room . Best of al,they deliver a true,transparent and m usicalsound waybeyond theirprice point.
understanding ofthe link between the technical m easurem ents and what we hear. Captivating products require intense listening thatis inspired by a pas ion form usic.In the below video Philp Swift(M D & CEO )explainsthisin m ore depth.
Creating the perfect loudspeaker requires an
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