Spendorwas founded in the late 1960s by Spencer and Dorothy Hughes – the ‘Spen’ and ‘Dor’in the nam e.Spencerapplied the knowledge and expertise he’d gained as an engineer in the BBC’s sound engineering departm ent to create his first loudspeaker, the BC1.Thisgam e-changing design quickly became the monitor of choice for broadcasters and recording studios worldwide. Alm ost 50 years on, the influence of the iconic BC1 and its suc es ors can be seen and heard in their range of distinctive, innovative loudspeakers. Spendor rem ains the reference standard for both discerning audiophiles and profesional sound engineers,delivering a transparent,natural and m usicalsound thattrulycaptivatesyou. THECOLOUROFMUSIC The goal of high-end loudspeakers is to deliver a clear, transparent sound. This is preciselyso the infinitelysubtle shades,tones and colours of the m usic itself can shine through,free ofdistortion,interuption and com prom ise. W e al experience m usic in a unique and personal way. It is an intense, im m ersive experience thatengages the em otions and intelect, as wel as the senses. Spendor loudspeakers reveal these details and subtleties that open new windows on the perform ance, and transform the way you connect with m usic – they bring m usic vib rantly to life.
FROM CONCEPTTO CREATION M anufacturing a loudspeaker, particularly one that perform sasbriliantly asa Spendor,isno easy task.In this video,each stage ofthe build proces has been beautifulydocum ented. It takes them six days to build a loudspeaker and a wholeyearto designone.Thisiswhattheproces looks like forourD7.2 loudspeaker.
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