INNOVATION IN SOUND Spendor has always applied innovative technology to deliver a natural, transparent and musical perform ance.The SpendorLPZ high frequency drive unit used in the D-Line products is designed to equalize sound-wave path lengths and generate a symmetrical pres ure environm ent so the drive unit operates in a balanced linear mode. The resultis a clean,precise signal that highlights every detail and nuance,particularly in lyrics.Unique to Spendor, it is also incredibly natural and unforced, so you can enjoy listening for hours at a tim e withoutbecom ing fatigued. AWARD W INNING PRODUCTS Three distinctive product lines ofer the authentic Spendor listening experience, carefuly tailored fordiferentpreferences, needsand budgets.TheirA-Line loudspeakers ofer captivating perform ance in com pact,elegant designs suitable for smaler spaces.SpendorClas ic delivers an immersive listening experience that m any listeners find m is ing in other speakers, whilst D-Line delivers resolution, ac uracy and scale to bring out the very best in high-perform ance audio system s.
CLOSER TO THEPERFORM ANCE Itisincreasingly rare to find a brand thatm anufacturesitsown drive units in-house–and evenfewerthatm ake their own cabinets – since these tasks require experience,expertise and serious investm ent.Spendoris one ofthem .From a pairofA1sin naturaloak to the Clas ic 200s in a rich dark walnut, al Spendor loudspeakercabinets go through a painstaking manufacturing proces involving hours of labour, pair matching, staining and hand finishing to create their stunning looks. Ifyou are the kind ofperson who realy appreciates craft, skil, im agination and atention to detail, you can choose any Spendor loudspeaker confident you are investing in true craftsm anship.
ATTENTION TO DETAIL The distinctive Spendorsound isthe product of their obsesion with detail.The Spendordrive unitswork seamlesly together through eficient high quality crosover networks,creating shortsignalpaths whilstbeing anchored directlyto the rigid cabinetstructure. The in-house Spendorcabinetswith theirdynam icdam ping system gives a super-fast response, while high linearity com ponents, high quality internalcablesand am achined from solid stabilzerspike system used on floorstanding m odels,al contribute to a super-eficient clas-leading perform ance.
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