Introducing Aperta
Hi-FiRacks FirstBespoke O pen-Fram e SpeakerStands SinceHiFiRackswasfounded in2007,we com m ited ourselvesto m aking bespoke, acousticaly perform ing solid hardwood hi-fi furniture to m eet our custom ers’ exactrequirem ents,from startto finish in ourUK workshop.W e believe that“one size does not fit al”, because no two custom ers have the sam e needs - from the com plexity ofyourhi-fiset-up to the dim ensions of your com ponents or the available space in yourhom e.That’swhy we’re proud to announce the launch of our solid hardwood Aperta Speaker Stands,ourfirstcustom isable open-fram e m odelthatcan be created in anycustom width,depth,and height. W hen itcom es to finding the righthi-fi furniture for your needs,we know from personalexperience thatthe search can be long and arduous - from sub-par acoustic performance to compromising with fixed size m odelsthatdon’tfityour com ponent’s dim ensions oryourhom e’s available space.That’s why we’ve builta legacy of leading speaker stands available in any bespoke size,including the Podium T5,X50 and Centre Speaker Stand m odels. The Aperta Speaker Stand is the latest m aterialisation ofourethos,alowing our custom ers to tailor the stand to fit the width and depth of their chosen loudspeakerm odelto the m ilim etre,and optim ise speaker positioning with any
bespoke height.In addition to any custom size,the Aperta SpeakerStands are optim ised forHarbeth Audio with four setsizesavailablefortheC7ES,M 30,SHL5and M 40m odels. The Aperta Speaker Stands are available in a range of acousticalyperform ing solid hardwoodsincluding solid oak, chery,walnut,m ahogany,and m aple,in addition to black and white solid oak finishes -a range tailored to m eetany aestheticneeds. ButtheApertaisn’tjustaboutaestheticsorcustom isation,it’s asophisticated design builtfrom the ground up to m axim ise acoustic quality and deliver an exceptional listening experience.Solid hardwood hasalwaysbeen the m aterialof choice forourhi-fifurniture,with itsinnate qualitiessuited for the achievem ent ofoptim alsonic perform ance from your set-up. The Aperta’s open-fram e four-corner design is tailored to enhance these qualities,utilsing the rigidity of solid hardwoods in a robust fram e to enhance ac uracy,
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