m eanspositioning itin the hom e couldn’tbe m ore convenient. Keir Livock,brand m anager for Bluesound’s UK DistributorAnatech,said thisofHUB. “HUB aim sto add convenience and flexibilty to yourBluesound network. W hilstit’strue to saythatsom e externaldevicescan alreadybe plugged to a Bluesound player,players are often located in spots which m akes them trickierto reach – a wal m ount,forexam ple, orakitchen shelf–and additionaly,playing an input source elsewhere would then m ean grouping 2 zones and m uting the first. HUB m akesthese inputsinstantly ac es ible on al players”. HUB wil alow you, for exam ple, to run a legacy Hi-Fi system in one place (say turntable,tape deck and CD player)– and then play these sources anywhere in the
house.It wil alow you to use a pair ofwireles flex speakers foryourTV audio output. There are lots of posibilties. With the high quality phono preamp though,weanticipatethatm anypeoplewiluseHUB for the sim ple abiltyto locate aturntable and som e records inafavouritespot,ratherthanhaving to com prom iseon its position.”
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