Music at Home+ Summer 2022


technology,proprietary in-house m ade woofers and a m ajestic appearance,EPICO N showsjust how farDALIhascom e in theirsearch fornatural sound reproduction. W ith a visualappearance thatsignalsexclusivity, these speakers are forthe m ostdem anding of m usic and m ovie enthusiasts. The beautifuly crafted curved cabinetsare available in a choice ofsixstunning finishes;fourluxurioushigh-glos finishesand two m odern Satin finishes. The series com prises offourm odels,the stand m ountEPICO N 2,two floorstanding speakers; EPICO N 6 and EPICO N 8,and a centre channel; EPICON VOKAL. The breath-taking DALI EPICO N series is available exclusively atAudio T O xford.Contact the store to bookadem onstration.

There are m usicalexperiencesin life so epicthatyou wish theywould neverend.M om entsso wonderfuly overpowering the very thoughtofthem m akesyour hearttrem ble,yourm ind goeswandering and your ears yearn for m ore. W ith the spectacular DALI EPICO N series,you can relive thatsensation,again and again. DALIhas been a pioneerofaudio technology for alm ost 40 years. M usical boundaries have been broken and no stone left unturned in the adventurous quest for the perfect audiophile experienceto equalthoseheard atconcerthals,live m usicvenuesand cinem as. Designed byand forpeople with agenuine pas ion for im pec able audio experiences, the EPICO N series delivers a m ind-blowing three-dim ensional sound thathonoursthe m usic and the m usician like never before. Incorporating m atchles new driver


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