Linn have announced the launch ofexciting new upgrades forexisting Linn ow ners.The groundbreaking perform ance oftheirf irst-ever,entirely hom egrow n DAC – ‘O rganik’– isnow being roled outasa retrof it upgrade,available foralvariantsofKlim ax DS and Klim ax DSM –even the very f irstgeneration from 2007.
Linn’sprem ium tierproductscanalnow benefitfrom their reference perform ance technology; with al models of Klimax DS, Klimax DSM , Klimax 350 integrated loudspeakers, and Klim ax Exaktbox al being eligible forupgrade with Linn’s revolutionary O rganikDAC architecture. It’sintrinsicto Linn’sDNA thattheyItcontinueto ofer their greatest innovations as upgrades for their existing custom ersand theircherished Linnproducts –eventhoseoveradecadeold. TheOrganikDAC upgradeforKlim axDSand Klim ax DSM updates these olderproducts with m ore than just D/A circuitry;it also features Linn’s latest A/D technology and provides supportforDSD256 and 24-bit/384kHz stream ing capabilty. It brings the products right up to date with the curent Linn software platform featured in Linn’s flagship, next-generation Klim axDSM .
At Linn, nothing progreses beyond the prototype stage unles they can answer one sim ple question afirm atively:“isthisbeterthan what’savailable elsewhere?” Designing and building their own DAC, com pletelyfrom scratch,wasno exception.Itwas only worth doing if the result would be significantly beter than their previous designs utilsing m eticulously optim ised 3rd-party chips. Designed withoutcom prom ise,and engineered entirelyin-house,O rganikisthe m anifestation of overthirtyyearsofdigitaltechnologyinnovation and expertise. Linn pioneered high-performance digital stream ing in the hi-fiindustry;they’re raising the bar further, thanks to this paradigm shift in digital-to-analogue conversion technology.
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