Music at Home+ Summer 2022


M arantz technology, seting these products apart for decades.M arantz sound engineers developed the HDAM solution to overcome their dis atisfaction with existing operational am plifier solutions.These types ofam plifiers are versatile,reliable and inexpensive,butthey also have serious lim itations.N oise and a low slew rate — am easure ofthe rate ofchange in curentovertim e — can greatly detractfrom the resulting sound quality,especialyathigher frequencies. The HDAM outperform s the op-am p solution, since it has high speed, keeps the audio signalclean and is tuned for the bestsound perform ance.As a result,the m usic sounds fresh and alive,rich and m ore dynamic, with acurately reproduced high-frequencydetails.

True m usic lovers continuously seek to enhance their hom e listening environm entand capture every detail ofa m usicalperform ance with precise im aging.Atthe sam e tim e, they want to enjoy m ultichannelhom e theatre with the latest blockbuster or their favourite live concerton Blu-ray Disc.Butspace in the living room islim ited,and decisionsm ustbe m ade between a stereo am plifier and an AV receiver like M arantz’s new SR-Series.A widelyknown prejudice saysthatAV receivers by nature cannot guarantee satisfying 2-channelperform ance,as they have too m any noisy parts inside that are designed to cater to the m ultichannelaudio and video experience.However, the M arantzsound philosophycontinuouslystrivesfor the best2-channelperform ance,no m aterwhich type ofproducttheycreate.How do theyachieve this? BuiltQ uality and Custom ized Com ponents The circuitry and craftsm anship thatgo into a hom e theatre receiverm akesal the diference in the sound quality itproduces.W ith the righttechnology inside, you can enjoy a deep, im m ersive experience that captures every nuance ofyourfavourite m ovies and m usic alike.The Hyper Dynam ic Am plifier M odules (HDAM s)incorporated into M arantzHi-Ficom ponents, forexam ple,contributeto thesuperiorperform anceof


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