Extensive Listening and Sound Tuning Extensive and painstaking tuning by sound m asters is what powers the exquisite sonic signature of any Marantz product. No com ponentleavesthehandsofM arantzSound M asters untilit pas es rigorous testing.This does not only apply to the fam ous M arantz 2-channelAm plifiers.It’sactualyaproces that alproductsundergo,no m aterthe price clas and no m aterifitisa m inisystem ,CD Player oran AV Receiver. W hen creating anew AV suround receiver,the firstthing sound engineersdo isto extensively testthe 2-channelperform ance.Theytake the M arantzreferenceclas stereo am plifierand do som eAB testing againstit.O nlywhentheyfeel the stereo sound in the AV receiverholdsup to the high standards,they consideritworthy of the M arantzbrand,and applythose findingsto the suround channelsofthe product. As a result, you wil always get the m ost m usical sound from any source and in any speakerconfiguration,from 2-channels up to 13.2ch in the curentM arantzAV pre-am plifier flagship AV8805.
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