Music at Home+ Summer 2022

Globaly, Omnia has been incredibly wel received,w ith 5 Star review s from W hat Hi-Fi, Two Red Dot design awards in Audio and Innovative productcategories,T3,Robb Report, Tech Radarand Forbes,to nam e a few. Powerto spare W ith an efortles 490-wats of power and DSP optimisation acros seven integrated speaker drivers,O m niahaspowerto spare and perform ance to match. Room -friendly The Om nia wilhappilyworkin room sofalshapes and sizes to deliver the m ost natural stereo-like sound from an al in one stream ing speakersystem like no other. Play yourm usicyourw ay Boasting features such as Tidal Connect, Spotify Connect,Apple Airplay 2,Chrom ecast,Bluetooth AptX HD,O m niaalso hasabuilt-in phono stage/line input,HDM IARC and Roonready. W hatisitlike to use? The O m niahasSenso,atactile ilum inated realwood top panelthatalowsyou to controlvolum e,input, and play/pause with asim ple touch.A coloured light denotes the selected input. Green, for instance, indicates Spotify,Blue forBluetooth and white for Airplay. Connecta turntable orotheranalogue source O m nia includes a 'phono/line in' adaptor, which alow the connection of a turntable or other analogue source forplayback.There is a switch on the backofthe O m niato selecteitherLine orPhono (M oving M agnet)levelinput. Ac es a variety ofm usicform ats The Omnia is incredibly versatile in terms of supported file form ats,which include: •W AV,FLAC and AIFF up to 32bit/192kHz •ALAC (Apple Los les )up to 32bit/192kHz •M P3 -up to 48kHz,320kbit(16 bit) •AAC -u p to 48kHz,320kbit(16bit) •OGG and W M A -up to 48kHz(16bit) •Bluetooth-SBC,AAC and aptX,AptxHD

Soundbar M ore than just playing your favourite m usic, O m nia can also be used asa high-quality sound bar.Sim plyconnectyourO m niaviaHDM Ito your TV,and experience the program m esand m ovies you love, with spacious, detailed sound and thunderousdynam ics. Yourin control O m niacan be controled viathe included rem ote control or your own tablet or sm artphone. In addition,ifyou have aChrom ecastbuilt-in device connected to the sam e network,you wilbe able to controlO m nia via voice control.

So with al this connectivity, w il O m nia f itinto yourhom e? Scan the QR code with your mobile device to exper ience O m nia AR (Augm ented Reality) and see the O m nia system in yourown listening space. W hatare you w aiting for?

O m nia isavailable fordem onstration in Audio T Bristol,Swindon,Cardif & Cheltenham stores,or purchase online from the com fort ofyour own hom e fordeliveryto yourdoorand listen to your m usic,yourway. VIEW ONLINE


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