The world ofm obile audio ischanging day by day, with headphone jacks having al butvanished from smartphones, tablets & laptops, device manufacturers choosing to prioritize wireles stream ing ratherthan the quality ofyourlistening experience.Bluetooth earphonesoferusan ease of experience in our day to day listening, but what aboutthose ofuswho stilpreferto em brace quality over convenience with our audio? How is one to enjoy a high-end cabled earphone or headphone when the device containing ourm usicdoesnoteven pos es the m eanswith which to connectourcabled device? W ith m any yearsofexperience in the developm ent of award-winning state-of-the-art sound am plification and proces ing equipm ent for hom e and desktop sound,EarM en knew thatthe m arket
needed something new, innovative and outstanding forthoseofuswho preferto listento our m usic from a variaty of devices.W ith this thoughtinm ind,EarM enwasborn-onaquestto deliverthehighestqualityaudio experiencewhile granting you the freedom to enjoy your m usic withoutlim itations.Tim e to m eetthe fam ily. Traduto -Ultra Hi-ResFuly Balanced DAC EarM en Traduto isa piece-of-artdevice with the powerto enhance the sonicperform ance ofyour system ,whilstleting you enjoy m usic from any source, such as Coaxial, USB, TOS Link connections or HD Bluetooth.W herever you’re playing,Traduto stays true to the character of every instrument and uncovers a musicality you’ve neverheard before.Itofers a variety of
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