Music at Home+ Summer 2022

award-winning British technology thatdeliversthe sound ofthe originalm asterrecording.The m aster M Q A file isfulyauthenticated and issm alenough to stream ordownload. For the wireles users, the Traduto features a Q ualcom m Q CC5124 Flagship Chip. BlueTooth QCC5124 is a partofthe QCC5100 Low Power BluetoothAudio SoC Series.Itisdesigned to m eet dem and forrobust,high quality,wireles Bluetooth listening experiences in sm al devices with low power consumption for longer audio playback.Q ualcom m ® aptX™ audio,aptX HD,and Q ualcom m aptX Adaptive audio technologiesare designed to deliverconsistent,high quality audio stream ing overBluetooth. Traduto isbornfrom afulblockalum inum chas is, which m akes it extrem ely durable and robust. Compact design makes it fiting to any environm ent, any system or hom e. The PCB is em bedded in asolid alum inum housing,giving the board greaterprotection inside the housing and additionalinsulation from externalinfluences

options and freedom of choice that you can customize to your own sensibilties and pos ibilties. At the heart of Tradutoo is the extremely high-qualityESSSaberdigital-to-analog converter ES9038K2M that delivers outstanding sound perform ance.Itcan proces digitalaudio filesup to 32bit/768kHz or DSD512, so you can enjoy high-resolution m usic in every detail. EarM en Traduto isdesigned fortrue audiophiles. M Q A Support:‘O FS’confirm sthatthe productis receiving an M Q A stream orfile.Thisdeliversthe final unfold of the M Q A file and displays the originalsam ple rate. ‘M Q A’or‘M Q A Studio’indicatesthattheTraduto is decoding and playing an M Q A stream orfile, and denotesprovenance to ensure thatthe sound is identicalto thatofthe source m aterial.In the case of‘M Q A Studio’,itshows itis playing a file which haseitherbeen approved in the studio by the artist/producer. MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) is an award-winning British technologythatdeliversthe sound of the original m aster recording. The m asterM Q A file isfulyauthenticated and issm al enoughto stream ordownload.

MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) is an

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