Music at Home+ Summer 2022

Stac ato -DigitalStream er

Elegantly crafted, with m eticulous atention to detail, EarM en Stac ato com bine clas ic design with state-of-the-artdigitaltechnologies to create new pathwaysinto the future ofhigh-perform ance sound. EarMen's Stacato integrated hardware and m anagem ent software provide the efort to play m usic in high resolution. W hether it's stream ing from Internet services or localm usic colections, EarM en com ponents alow you to discover,share and connect like never before, expanding the horizons of your audio system to new levels of functionalityand perform ance. W hereversongsare played,Stac ato staystrue to the characterofevery instrum entand uncovers a m usicalityyou’ve neverheard before.It’lalow you to hearalthe detailsin yourdigitalfilesand enjoy the nextgeneration ofsound in itspurestform and precision.Itusesadvanced filtering and resonance reducing techniques to ensure the sound quality produced by Stac ato iscom pletely unafected by unwanted signalsand noise.

Com plete audio solution in asingle box-W ith rich connectivity,including TO S Link,RCA orUSB,our engineershave ensured thatyou can enjoyalyour digitalcontent,up to 32bit/384kHzand DSD 256. Play songs from USB, Internet Radio, Spotify, TIDALand m ore via Bluetooth. Designed Endurance and Elegance - Earm en Stac ato with its design rises to a new levelof elegance.The physicalconstruction ofthe Stac ato in a m as ive alum inum chas is gives the resultof com bining the sublim e m usicalperform ance with the exceptionaldurabilty.Builtto be the verybest atwhatthey do,they’l take yourlistening to new heights. Every component has undergone thousandsofhoursoftesting and tweaking. Easyto setup,easyto use -Controlin the palm of yourhand,thanksto thededicated EarM enapp for iO S and Android.Connectitusing the Bluetooth via EarM en App and fire up yourfavourite m usic stream ing service.No m aterwhere yourm usic’s com ing from ,Stac ato wilm ake itsound itsbest.

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