CH-Am p -FulyBalanced Desktop HeadphoneAm p/Pream p
Earm en,astep further. Afterthe suc es fullaunch ofsm alportabledevicesatthem arket,EarM enhas taken it a step further and prepared specialy designed line ofdevicesforyou,thatwilgive you real and unique pleasure in listening to m usic. EarMen designed a desktop fuly balanced headphone am plifierwith excelentfeaturesand a linearpowersupplyunit. Com posite Am plifier Topology - A Com posite Am plifierTopologyisim plem ented intheCH-Am p. Com posite op-am p bringsthe bestofboth worlds with excelent DC and AC characteristics. These am plifiersoferseveraladvantagesoverothertypes ofam plifiers. Power am plifiers typicaly use therm al feedback loops, thus causing serious erors while driving heavyloads.Theseerorsoc urdueto self-heating. The use ofthe com posite can rem ove such erors and im provesthe perform ance ofthe circuitry.The composite amplifiers also ofer beter DC output-ofset.The exces ofthe load placed on the outputtransistorsdoesnotafectofsetvoltage.
EarM en used W IM A capacitors as wel as audio electrolytes in com bination with M ELF low noise resistors and SoundPlus OPA1642 operational am plifiers which proved to be great for geting neutral sound. The CH-Amp has excelent characteristics,very low signal-to-noise ratio,THD and exceptionalfrequencyresponse. The EarM en CH-Am p have two im portantfeatures: pream p outsand againswitch.Ithasbalanced and single-ended pream p outputs,so you can connect to powered m onitorsfora com plete system .The gain switch gives you beter control over both outputleveland im pedance,forbeterm atching to yourheadphones. CH-Am p isbornfrom afulblockalum inum chas is, which m akes it extrem ely durable and robust. Compact design makes it fiting to any environm ent, any system or hom e. The PCB is em bedded in asolid alum inum housing,giving the board greaterprotection inside the housing and additionalinsulation from externalinfluences.
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