Music at Home+ Summer 2022

Fulybalanced architecture -EarM en CH-Am p isa fulyBalanced Headphone Am plifierwhich m eans thatthe balanced outputsfrom the source go to the output intact, only am plified. From the Single-end input, the signals are converted to balanced withoutphase shift(phase im balance), so thatthe obtained + and -signalsare perfectly in phase.In thiswaywe rem ove unwanted forests and preventthem from being added inside the device. ExtraLow LinearPowerSupply-W iththeCH-Am p youalso getlinearlow noisepowersupplythatare m ade without com prom ise, using the best com ponentsand the latestcircutdesign.EarM en Linear power supply is reliable, sim plistic and produce m inim alnoise. Itis m ade only forthe needs ofourdevices in orderto getthe bestcharacteristicsand eficiency and is specialy designed to exceed your expectations.Italso hasprotection againstcurent overload, short circuit and therm al overload ac ording to the highestsafetystandards. Thebig advantageofthispowersupplyisthatyou can connectitto the EarM en Traduto DAC and EarM en Stac ato Stream er and get a great al-in-one system .


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