Music at Home+ Summer 2022


W hatisGroundARAY?


And so we com e neatly to GroundARAY – those litle devices you plug into yoursystem ,said to help elim inate high-frequency noise. They plug into whereverthe m ain source ofsuch noise isin your system – such as your router, DAC or stream er. Soundslike sm oke and m irors?W el,I’m afraid to say I’ve tried them and,dam m it,they do work – buthow?Gibb telsm e thattheyfirstgotthinking about this with the TunedARAY and SuperARAY cables.“W e were trying to achieve the sam e thing – knocking out high-frequency m ush. It’s tiny am ounts,but what staggered us was that these tiny am ountshad a big im pacton whatwe could hear. “O n a cable,there’sa lim itto whatyou can do – otherwiseyouend up withawhopping greatm etal box on it– so we decided thatwe could m ake som ething thatwould be farm ore efective,but

wasfartoo big to puton a cable.And ifit’syour router that’s m aking al the noise, it’s beter to reduce itatsource,ratherthan leting itgetaround the system . “However, we then discovered that both the m aterialand design we were using were both very m icrophonic, so we put them in a substantial alum inium case,filed itwith resin and we gota quantum jum p in perform ance.And when you get rid ofthe background noise,al ofthe litle things that were geting drowned out by that noise becom e easierto hear. GroundARAY,he explains,“isentirelypas ive in its operation. It’s filed with a m aterialthat absorbs high-frequency noise and turns itinto heat.A bit like the BAF wadding inside a loudspeaker.” He addsthata type ofGroundARAY forthe m ainsis alsogoing to beincorporated inthecom pany’snew m ainsblock,due forintroduction when we spoke.


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