Ref ining the netw ork In M arch 2020,having cheekilyacquired the rights to the historic nam e,the com pany launched its English Electric network switch, m ade to its specification by a supplier in Taiwan. “W e’d discovered that while things like the Netgear routerswere greatproductsfornextto no m oney, low noisewasnotupperm ostinthedesigns.So we knew there wassom ething worth looking at. “W e told the supplierthatourm ain goalwasto getaproductoutthatwasOK m usicaly,notalot ofm oney,and would cutdown thatbackground noise.Itwon’tfixanything that’sno good,butitis anice step in the rightdirection.” And what of the future for The Chord Company?
alowing us to m ake beterand m ore afordable cables,” repliesGibb.“and thatwil enable usto respond in a m usicalway to howeverpeople are trying to ac es theirm usic.W e’ve stilgotalotof people outthere with ‘old-fashioned’hi-fisystem s and they’re probably notgoing to throw al their records away now like they did in 1982.Instead, those people wil keep them and want to play them and there’s a lot ofwork to be done to im provewhatwe’redoing now. “There’snota day goesby thatyou don’tcom e acros som ething whereyouthink,‘right,whenwe getabitoftim e,we need to lookatthat’–it’sjust m oreofthesam eand looking afterourcustom ers. They’re the people that have m ade this al pos ible,so we need to m ake sure ourproducts are m ore an investm entforthem than aliabilty.”
“Hopefulywe can getac es to m ore technology,
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