Thisf lagship integrated looksextrem ely sim ilarto the sm aler i7,butEd Seley saysthere’sm ore here than m eetsthe eye. Cloud Nine
The powersupply isconsiderably largerin the i9 and feedsthe sam e ‘wideband’design asthe rest ofthe XR Seriesand isdesigned to presenta flat frequencyresponse from the onsetofDC through to 100kHz. It’s com bined with a pream p that’s been built around short signalpaths and relay inputselection. It’s a performance that combines suprem e conf idence w ith enorm ousfun Som e aspects ofthe i9-XR wil likely inspire the same slight frustration as its smaler sibling, however.Forstarters,the speakerterm inals only ac ept holow-ended 4m m plugs and they’re extrem ely close together.I’d personaly ac epta single set of term inals if it m eant that m ore conventional plugs could be used. The headphone socketison the rearand,while itcan be switched in and outvia a buton on the front, this is farfrom idealifyou plan to connectthe headphonesto anything else.
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