Music at Home+ Summer 2022


Connectivityincludes 4xRCA line inputs,2x coaxialand 2xoptical digitalinputsplusa m oving-m agnet phono stage

Conclusion The result is an am plifier thatm akesm ore sense the longeryou listen to it.Even with speakers that the i7-XR sounds good with, the i9-XR is m ore capable stil and the m om ent you switch to som ething harder to drive, the more expensive am plifier starts delivering a performance thatcom binesunflappable

confidence with enormous fun. Perhaps the most im pres ive aspectofwhatthe Cyruscan do isthatitisable to rival som e equivalently priced designs that are analogue input only, while ofering connectivitythatthey cannot match. This is an outstanding am plifierand one that should win m any new convertsto the Cyrusbrand.


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