Music at Home+ Summer 2022


Take m ultiroom sm artspeakeraudio to the nextlevelwith the incredible Denon Homerange


EXCEPTIONALAUDIO IN EVERYROOM From the superb Denon Hom e Sound Bar550 to the spectacularDenon Hom e 350 sm artspeaker, everyproductin the Denon Hom e range delivers the ultimate audio experience with powerfuly engineered Denon sound.The speakers deliver extraordinaryroom -filing sound ontheirown,and you can pairthem to delivereven m ore powerful audio with a beautifuly realised stereo soundstage. AN INCREDIBLEAUDIO UPGRADE The Denon Hom e speakers and soundbar are good-looking things, with m odern industrial design realised in atractive,splash-prooffabrics, butit’sthewaytheysound that’lrealyknockyour socks of. There are fourm odelsin the Denon Hom e range: the com pact Denon Hom e 150, the m id-sized Denon Hom e 250,the m asterfulDenon Hom e

W e love the convenience of sm art speakers, but we’renotalwayssold ontheaudio:m anyofthefirm s thatm ake sm artspeakersaren’taudio experts,and that’srealyobviouswhen you turn the m usicup.So we’re delighted to discoverthe Denon Hom e range of wireles speakers and soundbars,which sound spectacularand take m ulti-room audio to a whole new level.W ithbothAlexaand HEO Sbuilt-in,it’sthe m ost com prehensive m ulti-room audio system on the m arket. Denon isa legend in the world ofhigh quality,high perform ance hi-fi hardware. They have over 110 yearsofheritage,and theirshelvesgroan underthe weight of al the awards their hi-fi com ponents, hom e cinem a hardware,headphones and speakers have won. Denon has always been about innovative design, clevertechnology and truly exceptionalsound,and with Denon Hom e they’ve putal ofthatexpertise into sm artspeakers thatdeliveran am azing audio experience to everyroom in yourhom e.


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