Music at Home+ Summer 2022


CONNECTYOUR HOME WITH ALEXA AND HEOS EveryproductintheDenonHom erangecom es with Alexa built-in so you can controlyourm usic and your sm art hom e devices with just your voice,and it also has som ething other sm art speakerslack:HEO S Built-in. HEOS stands for Home Entertainment O perating System ,and it’sawireles m ulti-room stream ing platform thatenablesyou to connect and stream high resolution music to select wireles speakers, AV receivers, network streamers and soundbars from Denon and M arantzviayourW i-Finetwork. HEO S isincrediblysim ple to setup and use with the included rem ote for your Denon Hom e Sound Bar550,yourTV rem ote,the on-board controlpanel,yourvoice orthe HEOS app for iO S/iPadO S and Android. And it sounds am azing, because it uses W i-Fi rather than Bluetooth.Thatm eansithasthe bandwidth to stream uncom pres ed audio around yourhom e withoutlosing anyofthe preciousm usic. HEO S workswith althe m ain stream ing services and with your own m usic library too, and because itintegrates so wel with otherHEO S hardware it enables you to stream incredible m ulti-room audio from any ofyourconnected audio sources.

350and thedeceptivelyslim DenonHom eSound Bar 550.W hicheverone you pick,the diference between it and other sm art speakers is dram atic.These are speakers that punch way above their weight, delivering crisp,crystaline highs,punchy m ids and deep, defined lows. By com bining a set of two identicalDenon Hom e speakersyou can even create a true stereo system ,wireles ly.And fora deep bas im pact,justadd the wireles subwooferDSW -1H.

HI-RESAUDIO FOR THE ULTIM ATE EXPERIENCE W here othersm artspeakersm aynoteven deliverful CD quality,Denon Hom e deliversful,uncom pres ed Hi-ResAudio to yourentire hom e,tuned by Denon’s engineersto sound spectacularno m aterwhatkind ofm usicyou’re listening to. The Hi-Res Audio support includes Am azon HD, ALAC,FLAC,W AV and DSD,and yourDenon Home devicesalso integrate briliantly with otherstream ing services including Spotify, Deezer and Tidal. The soundbarbuildson thisalready im pres ive audio by adding Dolby Atm os and DTS:X for breathtaking cinem aticsuround sound,and ifyou wanteven m ore spectacular 3D audio you can use Denon Hom e speakers to handle the rear channels while your DenonHom eSound Bardoestherest. No m aterwhich productyou pick,ifthisisyourfirst Denon audio experience then prepare to be am azed. You’re going to hearyourm usic and m ovies with a depth and claritythatyou’ve neverheard before.


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