Music at Home+ Summer 2022

The runaway suc es ofthe lim ited-edition Petite30thAnniversarym odelhasled to the creation ofa new perm anentm odelin the range, the Neat Petite Clas ic. This new version waslaunched atthe High-End Show in M unich 2022 and had itsUK debutatthe North W estAudio Show atCranage Hal in June. The Petite Clas ic has precisely the sam e dim ensionsasthe originalPetite from 1991, butthis latestversion is notan exercise in nostalgia. The drive units (as used in the Petite Anniversary edition) are thoroughly m odern and am ongstthe bestavailable . The bas-mid unit has a vented, low-compresion cast-aluminium chasis with am ineral-filed polypropylene cone and a softrubbersuround.Thisdriverisidealy

suited to the Petite's cabinetvolum e,alowing superb bas extensionand outstanding transientresponsefrom acom pactenclosure. The "Air Motion Transformer" tweeter brings exceptionalclarityand a degree offines e notsound in standard dom e tweeters. In com m on with al Neat speakers, al cros over com ponents have been chosen with extrem e care and are alm atched forclose-tolerance. The Petite Clas ic m aintains the m usicalcoherence of the originalm odelwith astonishing lifelike im ages and striking vocalclarity.It wil be available in Septem ber 2022 in two finishes,textured blackand satin white.

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