Denon Soundbars-M eetthe fam ily
DenonHom e550
With great audio, Dolby Atmos, HEOS, Chromecast and more, there’s a Denon soundbarforevery budget. M odern TVs ofer jaw-dropping visuals, a huge range ofbroadcastand stream ing optionsand look dam n fine aswel – al slim line and gorgeous.But there’s one problem with those skinny fram es – it just doesn’t leave room for a decent set of speakers.So ifyou wantyour4K TV to sound as good asitlooks,you’re going to wantto investin a soundbar. Specificaly, a soundbar from Denon, who have a m odel to suit just about any requirem entand budget. W ith a Denon soundbaryou’l getcrisp dialogue that’scom prehensible atkey m om ents– yes,even during those TV showswhere everybodym um bles. You’l hear soundtracks as the com poser and director intended. And explosions wil be… explode-ier.M ore explosive.Because ifa picture is worth a thousand words, a 4K picture with im pec able sound is worth a bilion. W ith a soundbar,you getto filyourTV room with sound, without having to fil it with speakers. Just one slim line unitcan provide the ful sonic experience, including fulsuround sound and DolbyAtm os.
to yourhom e,which Denon soundbarisbestfor you?Let’stake alookatthe range…
DENON DHT-S216 Denon bringsalitsm anyyearsofhi-fiexperience to this entry level soundbar. Plug and play sim plicityisserved up,thanksto HDM IARC,and you’l be am azed atthe sonic boostyou’l hear. For easy m usic playback from your phone or tablet,there’s also Bluetooth.W ith support for Dolby audio and DTS Virtual:X, the Denon DHT-S216 provides a m as ive, al-enveloping sound from abarles than2inchestal.And alfor les than £200!
To m ake sure you bring the fulcinem a experience
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