New ULTIM A PRE 3pream plifier from Chord Electronics
Kent’sChord Electronicshasjust(M ay)launched an al-new ground-up-designanaloguepream plifier,the ULTIM A PRE 3,which benefits from the com pany’s latestpream plifiertechnologies.The new pream p is an entirely fresh design both inside and out,and features a striking new fascia design, al masterminded by the company’s founder-owner John Franks. The ULTIM A PRE 3 harnes esm ore than 30 yearsof British amplifier-building expertise and takes advantage of the very latest developm ents in advanced low-distortion powersupplies;these new devices ofer exceptionaly low noise and outstanding am plifieroperation.Coupled with the com pany’s latestcircuitdesign,the ULTIM A PRE 3 ofersnew levelsofpream plifierperform ance. Benefiting from five analogue inputs,two balanced and three unbalanced,plus a separate AV bypas input,al five ofthe ULTIM A PRE 3’s m ain inputs enjoyindividualbufering and are selectivelyfiltered against potential ingres from radio frequency interference.
Externaly, the ULTIM A PRE 3 benefits from a com pletely redesigned front panel. The new fascia ofers a perfectly sym m etrical design, centred on a circularpoweron/of sphere which uses the company’s familar polychromatic indicator lighting, giving a clear and sim ple indication of the am plifier’s playing status.The power sphere is flanked by a newly designed com bined volum e and input selector, plus a com bined balance and AV bypas control.
Al casework is precision-m achined from solid aircraft-grade alum inium , including the Integra legs.A black acrylic side-block alternative to the Integra legsisalso available asa no-costoption.
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