Music at Home+ Summer 2022

Launched in Decem ber2020,the XR seriesfrom Cyrus Audio has continued the long established reputation ofbuilding greatsounding hi-fiproducts. The XR seriesispositioned towardsdiscerning audio enthusiasts, and includes two integrated am plifiers (i7/i9-XR), a pream p (Pre-XR) and two cd players (CDt/CDi-XR). Future additions to the range wil include a powersupply (PSU-XR),stream ing transport (Stream -XR)and poweram plifier(Power-XR). The XR serieswasbuiltfrom the ground up,building upon nearly four decades of experience crafting award-winning products, which are designed and as em bled entirely in the UK.From the start,Cyrus’s m is ion has been to infuse the latest in technology with superb engineering to create ‘em otional’m usical experiences. Whilst Cyrus pursues a continual improvement philosophy for al its products, m any of its deeper engineering advances can only be applied in a ‘ground-up’design.

A fundam entalstep change in design approach forthe XR series has been pos ible due to an acumulated understanding of DAC technologies and power supply designs, combined with Cyrus’s recently updated m anufacturing proces esand the availabilty of higher-grade com ponents. The XR series,whilstfaithfulto the Cyrus core acoustic philosophy, provides remarkable sound quality benefits and substantialy increased dynam ic range,alowing every layer and nuance of the m usic to shine through. Indeed,the clarity and detailofthe XR series wil keep the listenerwanting to go back and listen to tracksheard athousand tim esbefore. FortheXR series,Cyrus’sengineerswerefreeto select com ponents based on eficiency and optim alperform ance,withoutconsideration of cost.The ac ountantswere likely horified,but the uncom prom ising quality ofthe productsin the XR series speaks for itself. In designing


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