Music at Home+ Summer 2022

precision,and coupling throughout the arm wand as em bly,thanksto m achined and cold-drawn 7075 alum inium specified throughout;and the ultra-stable gimbal platform faciltates superb bearing concentricityand alignm ent. Being ofgim baled design,Arko hasgreaterinherent stabiltyand rigiditythan alternative designssuch as unipivots.Thisresultsinanim proved senseofdepth, im pact,and em otion forthe listener. Specialcare and efort was taken to ensure that 7075-grade aluminium would be used exclusively throughoutthearm –from headshelto gim bal–with the resultant material synergy and coupling efectively banishing undesirable resonances away from the delicate generator,and out through the subchas is. The headshel ism achined from 7075 alum inium for enhanced strength and stifnes .Itboastsincreased overal length with elongated slots to renderArko

com patible with an exhaustive listofcartridgesof alshapesand sizes.

The arm tube iscold-drawn 7075 alum inium .This isextrem elystif,and isproduced to exceedingly hightolerances.Thearm wand as em blyisheld in place bya single,stainles -steelthrough-spindle, with an enlarged m achined alum inium gim bal. Theclean,consistent,and congruousfitand finish ofArko rendersitathing ofbeauty.W itham ixture of arow-straight lines and curvaceous undulations,the eye isdrawn to the fine linesof the electroformed aluminium Linn badge – proudly yet subtly declaring this tonearm’s provenance. The uniformity of its vapour-blasted finish highlights the superb harm ony, balance, and linkage between Arko’s com ponents,and acros theirboundaries.


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