Movement The structuralsupport and inherent rigidity of the gim balhave been increased relative to Linn’sprevious tonearm s. This im proves bearing alignm ent and overalfluidityofthe arm ’sm ovem ent. The use of m ultiple, individual journals in vertical bearing as em bly design has been known to cause is ueswith concentricity,alignm ent,and stabilty.W ith Arko,Linn have addres ed thiswith asingle,polished, stainles-steel through-spindle. The resulting im provem ent in alignm ent alows the arm wand increased agilty,ensuring itstracking overthe record surface with zero hindrance.
Summary Linn’s conspicuous eforts to simplify tonearm construction – with a reduction in totalpartsspanning from headshel to operating housing – result in im proved rigidity, m ore fluid m otion, and greater bearing stabilty and concentricity. These qualities, together with the unparaleled m aterialsynergy achieved by specifying 7075-grade alum inium throughout, m ake Arko a fundam entaly sim ple tonearm – though rigorously refined.Arko is efortles simplicity.
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