Kendo – al-new elite performance MC cartridge Kendo is a m odern m artialartform ;translated from the Japanese itm eans“way ofthe sword”. At Linn however, the word has unique connotations.Theirsword isforged ofboron,with a super-fine-line diam ond tip. Linn’s arm our is nickel-coated,7075-grade alum inium .Kendo is the eager apprentice to its m aster, Ekstatik; sharing the sam e values,and picking up m anyof itstraitsalong the way. Kendo istheoutcom eofLinnengineers’efortsto capitalise on the elem entsofEkstatikwhich work so wel;using their tried-and-true,trickle-down developm entm ethodology to produce a m ore afordable, high-perform ance cartridge which retains the same core design principles and acoustic fingerprint. Kendo isone ofa new breed ofcartridgeswhich producethem ostlevelfrequencyresponseofany to everbeartheLinnnam e.It’snotoverlywarm in bas ,noris itharsh in highs;its presentation is neutral,balanced,and uncoloured. Construction Kendo hasanickel-coated 7075 alum inium body. Thisspecific grade ofalum inium m atchesthatof Linn’s Arko tonearm , for which Kendo was designed to betheperfectpartner.Thisfaciltates superb m aterialsynergy throughoutthe tonearm system, and efectively banishes unwanted resonances away from the delicate generator, along the arm ,and outthrough the sub-chas is. Crucialto its high perform ance,Kendo features aluminium-bronze threaded inserts. Aluminium-bronze is often selected by bel foundries due to its desirable resonance behaviour.In Kendo,this aloy helps to convey m uch ofthe subtle warm th ofvinylplayback,and levels its balance beautifuly between crisp presentation and m usical perform ance. Linn discovered thatthis m usicality only im proved as they worked to reduce the cartridge’s overal m as in search ofan ultim ate sweet-spot– which theyfound at7.6g.
Akurate LP12 has stepped aside to m ake wayforanew m odel designation,with Linn’s m id-tierSondekLP12 package being henceforth rebranded to SelektLP12 –withArko and Kendo fited asstandard.
SelektLP12 establishesitselfasthe gatekeeperto the upperechelonsofSondek LP12 perform ance. It’s the epitom e ofthe m odularand upgradeable design philosophy that lies at Linn’s core, in a high-performance package with aresting m usicality. SelektLP12isdecked outwithafulcom plem entof exceptional components: Kendo, Arko, Lingo, Kore,Karousel,Tram polin.Plus a choice between any offive kiln-dried wood finishes,or any high glos RAL colour.This new m odelpairs perfectly with its digital cousin, Selekt DSM. The high-perform ance,versatile,built-in phono stage of the later – derived from Linn’s flagship Urika – com plem entsthe superb calibre and craftsm anship ofSelektLP12. Arko and Kendo are available to buy separately as standalone upgrades to any Sondek LP12 turntable.Arko is an idealupgrade forany M ajik, Akito, legacy Linn or 3rd-party tonearm owner. Kendo is its perfect partner, and represents a substantialpotentialupgrade prospect for Adikt, Krystal,legacyLinn or3rd-partycartridge owners.
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