Music at Home+ Summer 2022

Studio-grade sound That’sno m ean featwhen you considerwhat’sunderthe hood. The horsepower is supplied by cuting-edge am plifiersfrom Dynaudio’slong-tim e Copenhagen-based partners atPascal.Ifthe nam e doesn’tsound fam ilarto youasahom ehi-fienthusiast,don’twory–butyou’lknow itifyou have anyconnection to the pro studio world. Pascaland Dynaudio worked together to produce the amplification for Dynaudio’s top-of-the-range Core profes ionalreference m onitors,which you’l find in m ost ofthe world’s top studios.And now they appearin the Focus series – with one am p foreach individualspeaker driver. That’s som e serious pedigree. And it’s a bold red-line running directlyfrom theartistplaying theirheartoutinthe studio,rightto yourliving-room .W hen you com bine that withthefactthatthedrivertechalso sharesahelofalotof DNA with those studio speakers,you’l realise thatthese are thingsyou can listen to forhourswithoutgeting tired (think how long a studio engineerorproducerspendsin frontoftheirspeakerseveryday).

htps:/ ON0cgdE

W ireles .Lim itles . Focus’s stream ing-sm arts are provided by the Stream Unlim ited 810X m odule. Again, top-of-the-range stuf, found in som e ofthe industry’sm ostdesirable stream ing products.(O nlyFocusdoesn’tneed externalboxes.)Think Spotify Connect,TidalConnect,Apple AirPlay2,Google Chrom ecast, Bluetooth, UPnP, internet radio, podcast support,Roon… Then take a look atthe back paneland check outthe connections:coaxialdigital,opticaldigital,analogue (with adjustablesensitivity),asubwooferoutwithtrigger… gota turntable or a beloved CD player? An old tape-deck? You’re covered.

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