Forover70 years,M cIntosh hastaken uson an incredible m usic journey w ith som e ofthe f inestam plif ication available today.
Founded in 1949 in Bingham ton, New York, M cIntosh continues to produce som e ofthe m ost iconic am plif iers and com ponents to date. They have also powered som e of the world's m ost signif icant m usic and historicalevents,from The GratefulDead W al of Sound to W oodstock to PresidentLyndon Johnson'sinauguration speech.
W hatm odelsare in the integrated range? The integrated am plifier range from M cIntosh consists of8 m odels,starting at£4995 forthe M A252 to £18,500 forthe versatile and m ighty MA12000. The integrated range consists ofthree Hybrid m odels.Delivering thebestofbothworlds,each m odelhas a Vacuum Tube pream p com bined with a solid-state power am p, and then the rem aining five m odels are al solid-state with onboard DAC. The Hybrid range star ts with the M A252, a com pactanalogueintegrated am plifierboasting 180wpc of power (4 ohm s) with a m oving m agnetphono s tage (perfectforthe M T2 tur ntable)and three analogue inputs.Nextup is the M A352,visualy sim ilarto the M A252 with theadditionoftheiconicVU m etersand 5band EQ. It has the sam e m oving m agnet phono stage with two additionalanalogue inputs.
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