The flagship of the integrated range is the M A12000 – visualy diferentto the otherm odels but is a com plete system with huge am ounts of connectivity and even m ore power!The M A12000 has an incredible 350wpc of M cIntosh power delivered at2,4 or8 ohm sthanksto the onboard Autoform er™ technology.Com prising of17 inputs (10 analogue & 7 digital), the M A12000 is the perfectoptionto reducetraditionalboxcountwhile m aintaining the highestsystem perform ance. The solid-state range has five m odels.Firstis the entry-levelM A5300 with 160wpc power(4 O hm s) and hasan arayof6 analogue and 6 digitalinputs, including am oving m agnetphono stage and Roon Tested USB input.Folowing the M A5300 is the M A7200, which uses the unique Autoform er™ technology producing 200wpc ofpowerdelivered at 2,4 or 8 Ohms.The addition ofa moving m agnetand m oving coilphono stage,aswelasa total of 14 inputs , m akes the M A7200 a very com peling option.
There are also two new additionsto the integrated range,the M A8950 and M A9500.Both m odels have the proprietar y Autoform er™ technology giving them deliverable power of 200wpc and 300wpc, and also feature the DA2 DAC (an optionalupgrade on the M A5300 and M A7200), which are also Roon Tested.
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