these products from the ground up,the engineers were able to create an exceptionaly low noise platform ,throughpowersupplydesign,DAC optim isation,com ponentchoice,circuittopology,aswelas som e m ore fundam entaldesign approaches. O ne ofthe driving principlesbehind the design ofthe XR serieshasbeen noise reduction.Trem endous eforts were m ade to protect and isolate the signalpath from potentialsources of noise.Another significant area of focus was power supply design. Using only the best com ponents, XR delivers outstandinglyhigh qualityand reliable powerto everybitofthe circuitryto ensure optim alperform ance. Lastbutcertainly notleastisthe crucialDAC thatreconstructsanalogue signalswith incredible ac uracy and precision. Naturaly,the XR seriesalso featuresanew aesthetic. Alproductsin the new XR seriesare wrapped in a new “Phantom Black” paintfinish,introduced especialyforthe XR series.Butifyou’re woried thatthey won’tcoordinate with yourexisting Cyrus products,don’tfret.The colouris sym pathetic to both the existing core and signature range.The XR seriesuserinterface isalso new,incorporating capacitive touch butons with satisfying audible feedback.The new UIalso features a high resolution LCD screen and reas uringlyweightysolid m etalrotaryencoder.
i9-XR Integrated Am plif ier •91 watsperchannel •4 xAnalogue inputs •1xPhono M M input •2 xO pticalinputs • 2 xCoaxialdigitalinputs
•1 xAsynchronousUSB input •1 xAnalogue pream plifierout •PSU-XR upgradeport
i7-XR Integrated Am plif ier •52 watsperchannel •4 xAnalogue inputs •1xPhono M M input •2 xO pticalinputs • 2 xCoaxialdigitalinputs
•1 xAsynchronousUSB input •1 xAnalogue pream plifierout
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