Music at Home+ Summer 2022

The beating heartofm any a M cIntosh Am plif ier isthe Autoform er™ The M cIntosh O utput Autoform er™ is a special transform er.Designed and m anufactured inhouse by M cIntosh, the Autoform er™ ensures any speaker type can be used with a M cIntosh am plifierwith ful power always on tap. W ith m any other am plifier designs,thiswilsim plynotbe the case. M cIntosh am plifiers with the output Autoform er™ wildeliver‘Althe PowerYou PayFor’regardles of the speakertype chosen.

Legendary Perform ance From the iconic blue VU m eters to the glow of the vacuum tubes to the handcrafted m anufacturing, M cIntosh products sym bolise high-qualityhom e audio. To find out more and read the many awardwinning reviews,visit- www.m . M cIntosh is curently available in the Audio T Swindon store only.


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