Celebrating 50yearsof British loudspeakerdesign
W e’ve been doing extraordinary things with sound since 1972.Creating technologythe world hasnever seen. Delivering em otion few have everfelt.Now 50 years later, we are celebrating our heritage by pushing the boundaries ofphenom enalaudio and connecting listenerslike neverbefore. We set out to create a single stand-out loudspeakerforthe discerning audiophiles around the world that’s as close to perfection as physicaly pos ible.Sayhelo to ourlatestproject,codenam ed Concept50. The Concept50 loudspeakerhasbeen designed to deliverunrivaled sound likeno otherloudspeaker on the m arket.M aking the ultim ate statem entofjust how good a loudspeakercan be,M onitorAudio’s new prototype combines extraordinary sound, refinem entand luxury thatcustom ershave com e to expect,butpushes the boundaries even furtherto trulystrike a chord with audiophiles.
In ourquestto deliveraudio thatsoundsasclose to perfection aspos ible,the ideaforthe oncept 50 loudspeaker started its life two years ago when M onitorAudio’sTechnicalDirector,M ichael Hedges, and Design Director, Charles M inet, caried outan experim entto see how farthey could push pas ive loudspeaker design. Their work quickly paid of when they spoted the opportunityto create som ething veryspecial.
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