Music at Home+ Summer 2022

5decadesofengineering achievem ents.

1972 M onitorAudio Founded

1982 FirstM etalDriverand Tw eeter Thisdecade we saw the firstm etal driverand tweeter.Designed and developed to be thinnerand lighter, revolutionising the hi-fi ndustry. From here we saw the introduction ofthe m ostdistinctive M onitor Audio feature;the Gold dom e tweeter.

1992 Arivalofthe C-CAM

M o Iqbalfounded M onitorAudio and launched itsveryfirst loudspeaker,the M A1.Starting in Cam bridge,England,the loudspeakerswere as em bled byhand byM oand asmalteam of engineers.

In the 90swe m ove on furtherwith the developm entofthe drivers,by introducing the C-CAM (Ceram ic-Coated Alum inium M agnesium ).Thisrevelutionisesthe course offuture driver developm ent.

2002 RST and RDT launched

2012 Platinum I bringsusM PD

2022 Italcom esto this

The C-CAM reachesnew heightsin the 2000s.Firstlywith the introduction ofRST (Rigid Surface Technology)cone profilng and thenitssuc es ortheRDT(Rigid Diaphragm Technology).

Thedevelopm entoftheC-CAM (driver)also led usto further develop the tweeter,with the addition ofM PD (M icro-pleated Diaphragm ).W hich helped usto create the infam ousloudspeaker range,Platinum I.

W ithhow farwehavecom ein developing ourloudspeakersand the m anychangeswe went through,itwasonlyrightto create som ething to show you whatalof thistechnologycan realydo.From the firstm etaldriverto now,in 2022,the new flagship range, Concept50.


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