Music at Home+ Summer 2022



course).There is a sense ofprecision ofdetailand soundstage,with am arked increase in stage space in the later.M usic soundsm ore im m ediate and direct with the PhoenixUSB in place.Everything justsnaps into focusbeter,and the layering ofinstrum entsin a soundstage m ore realand les ‘cardboard cut-out’ and thisbecam e especialyclearon orchestralm usic; the sense ofan orchestra playing M ahler’s Eighth Sym phony[Solti,Dec a]inanappropriatespacewas tangible,and rem oving the PhoenixUSB m ade that sam e orchestrasound ‘bunched-up’. The downside isn’trealyadownside atal.You plug the PhoenixUSB into your digital audio chain thinking ‘yeah, m aybe it’l m ake a bit of a diference… but not enough to justify the price’, listen form aybe 10 seconds,then kick yourselffor m aking youspend £2,249.Ifyouunplug it,youlisten foranother10 seconds,then plug itbackin and tel yoursource and DAC thatyou’l didn’tm ean itand wilneverhurtthem inthesam ewayagain.Thatkind oflevelof‘good’iswhatthe PhoenixUSB doesso wel. O K… adding the InnuosPhoenixUSB to yourZENith M k 3 wil nottransform itinto a Statem ent.There’s

m ore than just the reclocker and regenerator inside thattwo-boxflagship,and thatisreflected in the perform ance.Butwhatitdoesisgetclose. Thisisagood thing,because an ‘alroadslead to Innuos’productwildisenfranchise m any.Instead, the Innuos PhoenixUSB raises your USB audio signal– from whereveritcam e and whereverit’s going –outofthe ashesofnoise and im precision. You m ightnotthink you need it;you m ighteven thinkyou’ve alreadynailed these problem swith a colection of USB clocks and isolators… gues again.Do the 10 second testand discoverthe PhoenixUSB isthe realdeal. TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONS • USB Regenerator:The USB chip regenerating the signal containsno switching regulators.Al 3 independentvoltages to the chip originate from an independentlinearpowersupply with furtherregulation provided by3 setsofLT3045 regulators •USB Clock:3ppb O CXO clockrunning directlyat24M Hz • LinearPSU:Two independentStatem ent-levellinearpower supplies,one dedicated to the O CXO clock and the other used forpowering the USB chip/5V USB line •Finish:Black,with blackorbrushed alum inium frontpanel •Dim ensions(H×W ×D):74× 214× 240m m •W eight:5kg •Input:1× USB Type B •O utput:1× USB Type A


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