Music at Home+ Summer 2022

Rotel–60yearsof being afam ilybusines .

ForoversixdecadesRotelhasbeen engineering and m anufacturing audio products built to the highest of quality standards delivering extraordinary performance with exceptional value.Thisnow iconicJapanese brand rem ainsa fulyfam ily-owned and fam ily-operated busines . Rotel continues to leverage the tradition and heritage ofits60-Yearheritage with the ongoing com m itm ent of their founder Tom oki “Tac” Tachikawa that“Q uality could notbe inspected into a product but rather quality must be engineered and m anufactured into aproduct”. The early years In the late 1950’s, Tac’s com pany Roland Electronicswasan im porterofUS m ade Sylvania branded television sets to the Japanese m arket. Itwasduring thistim e thatso m uch waslearned about power supply design including high curent,low noise isolation techniques,shielding m ethods and precision ofelectronic design as every im ported television needed to have the powersupplym odified beforeitcould besold in Japan.

By the late 1950’s Roland began m anufacturing audio products as an O EM (O riginal Equipm ent M anufacturer) for several audio brands in their Tokyo, Japan factory where critical design and as em blytechniquesbecam e am ainstay.

The 1960’s In1961thefam ilyexited theTV distributionbusines to form Rotelasyou know ittoday with the brand beginning its journey as a world renown builderof quality audio com ponents.The Rotelbrand quickly becam e recognised asa leaderin the globalm arket with m odel after m odel and series after series innovating and im proving from itspredeces or. The 1970’s A notable exam ple ofRotel’sac laim cam e in 1973 when Consum erReportsgraced the RX-402 receiver with itscoveted “BestBuy” rating.Thisexceptional com plim ent and testam ent of Rotel’s electronic designexpertisewasfurtherevidenced knowing that the two runners-up that year also cam e from the sam e Rotel factory, even though they were sold underdiferentbrand nam es! RotelFactory,Tokyo -Circa1960s

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