King's Business - 1959-08

Aunt Betty Talks with Teenagers RULES: You must be 13-19; you must give name, address and age, but only first name and city will be used. Letters will be regarded as confidential. Send to this column in care of The King's Business.

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and Senior in High School this fall. It’s always a problem what to do but we have a good time together whatever we do. But this summer we are going to try something we have never done before, and maybe this will give other young people an idea. In fact, we tried it last week and the first try was a success. W e talked it over with three other Christian couples in our young peo­ ple’s society, and then we planned a steak fry and invited one couple who are not Christians. A fter we ate, we sat on the hillside talking about young people’s problems and naturally men­ tioned the fun our young people’s group have. W e were careful not to preach to this couple but indirectly to testify to them. They seemed to enjoy themselves. The boy started to light up a cigaret once and then he put it out. Afterwards we went to. one of the girl’s homes and played Chris­ tian records. The real thrill of the evening came when we broke up and the unsaved girl asked, “ What time is your young people’s meeting?” W e had a real short word of prayer before we separated. W e hope we w ill be able to reach non-Christian couples, one by one, this way. I think we will be happier if we try to do something for others. Please don’t give our names or our town. Just say we are Jack and Jill Somewhere USA ( A real small town) Dear Aunt Betty: I’m 14, so I am not speaking from experience. But I also do not think movies and dances are the right places for Christian young people. Christians can take their dates to church, Sunday School, Youth Group meetings and parties, and special meetings in your church, or in a near­ by town, or to a Christian film to which your Youth Group is invited, or one your own Group is having and inviting other churches. Bring your dates to your home, and also to fam ily gatherings — a good chance for them to meet your family. Alayna Granite Falls, Minn. Thank you, dear teenagers, for these good, practical suggestions. Keep on sending in your letters, we will con­ tinue to print them.

In the June issue we printed the following letter: Dear Aunt Betty: I’m just a little above teen-ager age, but could you help me? I’m a Christian, and don’t feel that I can glorify the Lord in going to such places as movies and dances. The problem is this: Where can I go on a date? I like the observatory and miniature golfing, but then what? Herman Los Angeles, Calif. We asked our teenage readers to answer Herman themselves. Here are some of their replies: Dear Aunt Betty: I was real glad to see your column in T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . I enjoyed reading it very much and am sure it w ill be a great help to teenagers. I am fourteen years old and this next fall I will be going into High School. In answer to Herman’s question, I know just what is troubling him. 1 am sure it has troubled many young peo­ ple. I agree that I can’t glorify the Lord in going to such places as movies and dances. I think that Christians can have more fun than any other people I know. Herman, if you ask the Lord where to go H e w ill show you. H e has interested me in the youth group and Sunday School at my church. In this group we go many places together as swimming, hiking, horse back riding, biking and many other sports and places. W e also have parties and go many places that are pleasing to our Lord, and it is also wonderful to be with Christians. I think the Lord intended us to have a lot of fun and so I think it is in accordance with His w ill that we do have fun. W e can go to the beach, or baseball, football, basketball and many other types of games. W e can also join Christian clubs and invite our Christian friends to go with us to many places of interest or on short trips and to camps during the sum­ mer. Yes, Christians can certainly have a lot of fun and be in the Lord’s w ill! Judy W est Los Angeles Dear Aunt Betty: This is our joint answer to Herman. W e are 16 and 17, and w ill be Junior

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AUGUST, 1959

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