King's Business - 1959-08

Disc Personalities

Gospel B r oad ca s t i ng%e s “ npHERE is no JL speech nor

V i r g i l G e r b e r , coordinator for LEAL (Evangelical Literature for Latin America) has announced that Dr. Walter Montano will be keynote speaker for the Latin American Con­ gress on Gospel Communications to be held in Cali, Columbia, September 13-18. Other guests from the United States will include Dr. Clyde Taylor, Foreign Missionary Secretary, Nation­ al Association of Evangelicals; Dr. Eugene Betermann, president of the National Religious Broadcasters; Mr. Richard Canfield radio director of the “ Back to the Bible Broadcast.” High­ lights of the conference will include a writer’s workshop, forums on radio and TV programming, public rela­ tions, promotion and p u b l i c i t y , administration, etc. Congress Coordi­ nator is Mr. Robert Searing, Apartado

John Lundberg Christian Faith Recordings

language where their voice is not h e a r d , ” so we read in the 19th Psalm. Wh i l e David was cer­ tainly describing the majesty of God’s creation,, yet in a very real sense these words could be applied to mi s s i ona ry b r o a d c a s t i n g .

Today, at least 20 missionary stations are on the air around the world, with probably an equal number in the “ prayer and planning” stage. One urgently needed area for Gos­ pel p r o c l a m a t i o n is in Europe. Throughout this vast continent, there are two powerful stations which will sell time to religious organizations. While the time available is definitely not “ cream” hours (before 6:00 in the morning or after 11:00 at night) won­ derful results are being experienced from Radio Luxembourg and Radio Monte Carlo. Harold Van Broekhoven, formerly with a missionary station in Central America, now with HCJB, has had a prayer burden on his heart to estab­ lish a missionary station on the conti­ nent of Europe. Last telegraphic word received from him indicates the fol­ lowing: “ Petitions have been present­ ed to governments in middle east and Western Europe on behalf of the Voice of the Andes for permission to establish high power stations in order to reach these heavily populated areas of the world with the Gospel. Prayer requested on behalf of the projects and the soon granting of broadcasting franchises.” Certainly the only an­ swer to communism is Christ, and this excellent means of reaching behind the Iron Curtain should have a very real part in all of our prayers. Paul E. Freed, president of the Voice of Tangier, Morocco, has com­ pleted a new 16mm. motion picture, “ Red Night,” available from Iverson- Ford Associates, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N.Y. Reviews indicate there is a vivid portrayal in the pro­ duction of the apostolic courage with which the believing remnant in Rus­ sia is carrying on. Shown in the film are Red Square, the Kremlin, Moscow University, rigid discipline in grade schools, plus many other interesting scenes. We look forward to seeing the presentation at an early date.

O n e of the most pleasing recorded sounds today is to be found in the new album produced by Alma Records of Reseda and entitled simply “ The C h r i s t i a n Faith A Capella Choir.” The album of 12 lovely selec­ tions was arranged by Ralph Car­ michael with John Lundberg direct­ ing. John has done outstanding choral directing for other albums including the popular Vere Raley release. Chris­ tian Faith and its president Hugh Edwards are to be congratulated for the simple and sincere stylings which they selected for the hymn master­ pieces. The list includes: “ Eternal Father Strong to Save,” “ And Can It Be,” “ The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” “ For All the Saints,” and others. For those with stereophonic phono­ graphs, the album is also available in this form and will be a thrill to hear. Ralph Carmichael is no newcomer nor is John Lundberg. Ralph, a regu­ lar columnist for the K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s , is probably one of the busiest and most talented musicians around. John is on the staff on Westmont College in Santa Barbara. His voice has been heard with the quartet of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour. He was bom in Seattle, Washington of immigrant Swedish parents in 1916. Graduated from the University of Washington’s School of Music, he taught for a brief period on the staff of the Seattle Pacific College. It shouldn’t be too long before an­ other album of this same calibre is produced. Surely there is beauty and majesty in the singing of well known old hymns in simplicity. Our special commendation to Hugh, to Ralph and to this month’s featured artist, John Lundberg.

Preparations for Cali Conference Aereo 1511, Cali, Columbia. Let’s all go! It was good to see John Camp, of John Camp Advertising, Wheaton, Illinois, the other day. Con Robinson, with the agency, will be setting up a Southern California Office to handle western accounts. The Camp Agency handles “ Back to the Bible,” “ Radio Bible Class,” “ Voice of Revival,” and other religious programs. John reports that a Christian radio station has been established in New York City, as well as opening up more time on other stations across the country. Program of the month . . . one you should hear on your station, Dr. John D. Jess and the Chapel of the Air. A quarter hour of inspiration and blessing from Wheaton, Illinois. Ron Wormser assists in the Gospel ministry which is aired over a num­ ber of radio stations throughout the country. Late word from the FCC reveals that San Diego’s new Christian FM sta­ tion will be known as KLTT (in honor or rn'oneer broadcaster, Dr. Louis T. Talbot.) •



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