King's Business - 1959-08

1 Reader Reaction SHARING ACROSS THE SEAS I have a Pen-Pal in England to whom I send the KING’S BUSINESS. We are both fellow verse writers and have had poems published in the same magazines. She has written, “The King’s Business is such splendid reading and it is all about the KING’S business as is its title.” May God make it possible for many to read and benefit by your publication. Mrs. Edna R. Black, Santa Barbara, Calif. FRIEND'S SUBSCRIBE I would like to state that our first en­ counter with the KING’S BUSINESS was through our good friends who subscribed to it for us during last year’s special offer. We are deeply grateful to them. We wish to continue receiving this wonderful Chris­ tian publication and enclosed please find our check. We trust the Lord will con­ tinue to bless you. Mrs. Vernon L. Gonsalves, Fowler, Calif. M ISSIONARY WRITES There was a time when I hesitated to pass my KING’S BUSINESS on to others of our staff here. I have praised the Lord again and again for the new editorial policies. There are so many good articles, each one such a blessing. I rejoice to be able to pass the KB on to missionaries and/ or Africians. All find it very profitable reading. Florence Dirks, N. Nigeria, West Africa MESSAGE TO MOTHERS PRINTED We were delighted with the recent issue of the KING’S BUSINESS in which “A Message to Mothers” by Mrs. Constance I. Tuttle was featured. I am sure that many of your readers would be glad to know that this helpful study for mothers is available in tract form. Henry G. Perry, Executive Secretary, American Tract Society. E ditor ’ s N ote .- We have appreciated, the kindness of the American Tract Society in granting permission to the KING’S BUSI­ NESS to reprint any of their fine tracts. Some of the most outstanding and attrac­ tive gospel evangels are available from the ATS. The organization can be con­ tacted directly by writing 5/3 West 166th Street, New York 32, N. Y.; or consult your local Christian book store. PSYCHOLOGY PAGE I just must take the time to tell you how much I enjoy the KING’S BUSI­ NESS. It is filled with all sorts of soul refreshing articles and features. I espe­ cially enjoy Dr. Clyde Narramore’s page. I work a great deal with children and find much useful counselling in his writ­ ings. The prophecy articles are just won­ derful, too. Mrs. Floyd E. Winne, Albany, N. Y. HILLIS ARTICLES ENJOYED Thank you for the KING’S BUSINESS. I use it in my Sunday school class. Don Hillis was just south of us in India. We enjoyed stopping there on the way to and from Bombay. I enjov his current series. W. R. Werelius, Santa Ana, Calif.

not infinite, He was not God. If He were not God, then He was not the Second Person of the Eternal Trinity. If He were not the Second Person of the Trinity, then none was. If none were, there is no triunity of God. If there be no triunity of Godhead, we are landed at the front door of Unitarianism, that bloodless, emotionless, soulless sys­ tem which substitutes intellect for the Spirit, and reason for faith. Prating about God, it knows Him not. Deny the Virgin Birth, and as absolutely as two and two make four, as inexorably as the arrow to the mark, you deny and reject the Trinity of God. • Do you think it a light and inconsequential thing to deny the Virgin Birth, or that it is s o m e t h i n g that matters little one way or another? Behold what takes place when you deny the Trinity. You deny and must cut out of the Bible this tremendous Scrip­ ture: "He through the eternal ^spirit offered himself with­ out spot to God" (Heb. 9:14). It is, indeed, an immense Scripture. It means the whole Godhead was engaged in the sacrifice of the cross, — the whole Godhead in the fulness of personality was engaged in the act of redemption. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, each of them an infinite Person subsisting in the indivisible Being of God. The Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of the Father offered Himself unto God as the Father. He offered Himself through the Eternal, personal Spirit. As an infinite Person, He of­ fered Himself t h r o u g h the infinite personality of the Spirit to the infinite personality of God the Father: even the God and Father who though the Spirit gave Him out of His bosom that He might make this offering. Deny the Trinity of God and you deny and make impossible that Scripture. Deny and reject that Scripture, you deny and reject the sacrificial death of Christ ; you deny it in relation to the everlasting covenant and the pledge and honor of the whole Godhead. When you do that, you sweep away the foundation of Christianity as set forth in Holy Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. You deny that Scrip­ ture when you deny the Trinity. You deny the Trinity when you deny the Virgin Birth. To deny the Virgin Birth, and to talk about the ethical value of Christianity, is worse than childish. There are no ethics left. Instead of ethics, the whole system is buried in a moral ruin, out of whose chaos there looks the face of one illegitimate, bastard-born, a helpless sinner like the rest of us, and like the rest of us bereft of any hoped-for Saviour. Without the Virgin Birth, for us there is only a Chris­ tianity whose beginning is a fiction and whose ending is the substitution of an ethical for a sacrificial Christ, a sub­ stitution that bears the stamp of its own reason and in every promise it makes mocks the hope of our soul both for time and eternity. Without the Virgin Birth, Christianity has no author­ ity, neither as an ethical or doctrinal system. Without the Virgin Birth, I repeat, Christianity has no decent, moral, spiritual or intellectual basis on which to stand. He who denies the Virgin Birth denies Bible Christian­ ity, smites the mother of our Lord with shame, snatches the crown of deity from His brow, strips Him of His sinless humanity, makes His cross a blood-stained failure and bids us face eternity with no light in the darkness.


AUGUST, 1959

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