King's Business - 1959-08

Mr. Russell Hitt, managing editor of Eternity Magazine, has completed his new book, “Jungle Pilot, The Life and Witness of Nate Saint,” which will be released September 2 by Har­ per and Brothers. The thrilling story of “ Operation Auca” reveals many unusual facets of missionary jungle aviation before unknown to most people. Mrs. Gilbert Stenholm, director of the Bob Jones University Division of Cine­ ma, was selected to read a paper on acting, representing the American Colleges, during the International Congress of Motion Picture and Tele­ vision School Directors in Rome, Italy.

Rev. Joseph John­ son, Baptist min­ ister, has com­ p l e t e d a n ew book “ Christ in Gen e s i s , ” pub lished by Exposi­ tion Press. Mr. Johnson attend­ ed Biola and has served with the Africa Inland Mission in Africa. Dr. Edward John Cornell has resigned as president of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. Dr. Camell, in the face of failing health, was granted a sabbatical leave until January, 1960 at which time he is expected to return to the position of professor of apolo­ getics. Dr. Harold John Ockenga, chairman of the Board of Trustees will serve as Acting President until a successor has been found. Miss Eugenia Price, w e l l k n o w n speaker and writer, is the author of a new book “Woman to Woman,” to be released soon by the Zondervan Pub­ lishing House. Miss Price discusses various aspects of a woman’s life. Mr. John Blanchard, president of Cul- ter Academy, Los Angeles, has given notice that the Christian school is fighting its way back from the order last January to evacuate most of its classrooms. Ground breaking was started recently for construction of a new building to be completed for the fall semester. Rev. Leighton Ford, evangelist with the Billy Graham Team, has held services in the city of Brisbane with a crowd in the first service of more than 22,000. This surpassed the attendance for any Protestant service during the State of Queensland’s 100 year history. 613 persons came forward at the invita­ tion to receive the Lord. Mr. Johnson

Dr. Arnold T. Olson, president of the Evangelical Free Church of America, presents President Eisenhower with a special copy of “ The Diamond Jubilee Story,” a history of the first 75 years of the EFCA. A similar copy was presented to Mrs. Eisenhower whose grandparents attended the first of the denomination’s conferences in Boone, Iowa, in 1884. Miss Ethel Wallace, missionary with the Wycliffe Bible Translators, has completed the book “Two Thousand Tongues to Go”, the story of the fast growing organization and its transla­ tion work around the world. Founded in Guatemala in 1917 by William Cameron Townsend, there are now more than 800 missionaries with WBT. Dr. Walter Montano, editor, Christian Heritage magazine, will be keynote speaker for the Latin American Con­ gress on Gospel Communications to be held in Cali, Columbia, September 13-18. Evangelical leaders from prac­ tically every republic of the southern hemisphere and the United States are expected to attend. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., was honored recently when President Syngman Rhee of the Republic of Korea personally con­ ferred the Medal for Public Welfare Service upon him. More of the Osaka, Japan crusade will be found on page 40.

Rev. John De Brine, 34 year-old Boston Baptist Minister received a national radio award for his “ disc jockey” pro­ gram “ Songtime.” He received more than 100,000 fan letters this past year and is director of Boston’s Youthtime Saturday rallies. Mr. coward w,

Goodrick, directo] of Christian serv­ ice for Multno­ mah School oi th e B i b l e , hai b e e n appointed acting director ol the forth-coming School of Mis­ sionary Journal­

ism which the school will launch this fall. The one year course is open to graduates of colleges and Bible insti­ tutes. Mr. Goodrick Dr. Clyde S. Kilby, chairman of the department of English at Wheaton College, has had a new book published by Eerdmans Publishing Company concerning the l i f e o f Jonathan Blanchard. “Minority of One,” deals with Blanchard’s founding of Knox and Wheaton colleges.



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