Our Strategic Vision and Purpose

OUR RESEARCH Our research changes lives, drives innovation and regional growth, and is aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It impacts on our culture and society as well as on our health and wellbeing, our economy and our planet. We drive policy change nationally and internationally. We are at the leading edge in many areas including: advanced manufacturing and innovation in clean energy and the digital economy; nanohealth and the analysis of large scale health data; labour market evaluation, terrorist use of the internet, and preserving our industrial heritage. We are exploring new ways to assess and mitigate the risks of the climate crisis and are working to protect the most vulnerable in our society and to enrich all our lives through our understanding of history and the arts.

MAKING A DIFFERENCE: Our research has impact because it is directed to meet the needs of our partners in industry, commerce, academia and the public sector. We will continue to pursue discovery-led knowledge generation in an environment that enables these collaborations to flourish, and to develop, protect and commercialise our research where appropriate. We are committed to encouraging research that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries to save lives, improve society and drive innovation. A GLOBAL OUTLOOK: We have strong international collaborations that give our research a global reach. We work with multinational agencies to protect the rights and wellbeing of citizens worldwide, and with some of the world’s largest companies to drive innovation and discovery. Our colleagues and students have opportunities to develop and grow partnerships and to undertake and present their research internationally.

SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE: We ensure the integrity of our work through a robust approach to research ethics, integrity and governance. We are committed to working in partnership with our local communities as well as with communities around the world, learning from them as we support their development. Looking ahead, we will focus our research on global challenges, including the climate crisis and Covid-19 pandemic, tackling poverty and inequality, healthcare, and the future of work. STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE: We will continue to produce world-leading research and impact, the quality of which we can assess through the Research Excellence Framework and other measures; we are in the top twenty UK Universities for both citation impact and research grant income per member of staff. Other measures of our success will be evident in the growth in our research income, in the calibre of our national and international collaborations, and in the vibrancy of our postgraduate research community and support for Early Career Researchers.

“We should never lose sight of the benefits of collaborative working. We cannot work in isolation, and must continue to be open, responsive and engaged.” VT, Engineering



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