There is one more factor that often is not spoken about, but it’s a frequent cause of neck pain and discomfort: Sleeping Issues . Sometimes,sleeping inacertainpositionorsleepingonamattress orpillowthat istoosoftortoohardwillleadtoneckpain.Oftentimes, this pain will appear to be chronic, as the sleeping issue is likely something that you experience day after day, causing the pain to return regularly. It may be helpful to rule out sleeping concerns as a reason behind your neck pain by assessing your sleeping conditions and making any changes that you think may be necessary. Adjust how many pillowsyousleepon,thepositionyousleep inorevenyourmattress!
For more support in finding relief from neck pain, talk to your physical therapist by calling 269-979-3000 or schedule an appointment at
TIPS TO STAY HEALTHY & FIT Keep Moving. Getting up for five minutesevery30to60minutesand performing light activity (pacing around the house or performing simple squat exercises) reduces theriskofdiabetesandotherheart disease risk factors. ensure they are a part of your day.Ratherthanskippingthegym, make time for a quick workout. Stay Healthy with an Immunity Boost. Exercise boosts your immunity during cold and flu season. Just a few minutes a day can help prevent simple bacterial and viral infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
• 2Tbspextra-virginoliveoil • 3garliccloves,minced • 1Tbsp lemonzest • 2Tbsp lemon juice • 3/4 tspseasalt • Freshlygroundblackpepper • 1½ tspcuminseeds* • 2cupscookedchickpeas,drained &rinsed • 1cupcherry tomatoes,halved
• 4Medjooldates,pittedanddiced • 3Persiancucumbers,sliced into thinhalfmoons • 1cupchoppedroastedredpeppers • ¼cup finelychoppedparsley • 3ounceshoneygoatcheese (or similar) • ¼cup freshmint • 1cupchoppedroastedchickpeas, (optional)
Be Creative with Exercise. Opt for fun ways that make physical activity a family affair, from exploring new group fitness classestobuildingphysicalactivity intofamilytraditions.Youcanhave qualitytimewithfamilyandfriends whilealsoprioritizingyourhealth. Plan Your Workouts. Note your workouts in your schedule to
Directions: Ina largebowl,combineoliveoil,garlic, lemonzest, lemon juice,salt, and several grinds of pepper. In a skillet over medium-low heat, toast the cumin seeds until aromatic, about 30 seconds. Remove seeds from heat and crush (a mortar & pestle is easiest). Add seeds to the bowl and stir. Add the chickpeas, tomatoes,dates,cucumbers,redpepper,andparsleytothebowlandtoss.Transfer to a serving platter and dollop with goat cheese, sprinkle with mint, and top with extraroastedchickpeas, ifdesired.Season to tasteandserve.
Drink Eight, 8-Oz Glasses Of Water Each Day. Try to keep waterwithyouatalltimes.Fillupa 64ouncewater jug inthemorning and finish it by the end of the day.
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