Active Health: Neck Pain & Headaches

Rebecca’s Thoughts: Coping With Stress

Well, my newsletter was very late this month. Why? I guess because I am overwhelmed – kids got sick, a friend passed away, the business changed – you know, life happened. And I thought with the other article here being on headaches, maybe this was a good essay. How are we supposed to manage our stress? There is SO much going on all the time and then forget even looking at Facebook or turning the news on… right? So how are we supposed to deal?

3. Make time for yourself. It is really easy to give up the “me time” when the sky is falling – but that is when it is most important. Keep exercising, spending time with your spouse or whatever it is that recharges you. But how do


you go to the gym when you have looming deadlines and so much to do – well – you just go. The deadlines will be there every month and if one or two are flexible – take advantage. 4. Sleep. I do whatever I need to do to sleep. I will kick my husband out of the room, sleep in my son’s room, take melatonin – whatever. A poor night or more of sleep makes everything feel and seem worse, reduces the ability to cope, reason and dulls all the other tools you need to make sound and sharp decisions. 5. Eat well. Comfort food is not necessarily comforting to your body. A glass of wine to relax is great – but beyond that alcohol, sugar, fried food etc. all negatively impacts sleep, digestion, energy levels and so on. So stick with the good food and save the comfort food for cheat day. This month Taylor is raising money for the American Heart Association. It is SO important to be on top of your heart health so get to the doctor, get a stress test, manage your cholesterol and get plenty of exercise! If you would like to donate stop in at 512 Warren Ave or give us a call at 878-5002.

How are we supposed to stay happy, keep up with all of our obligations and also take care of the people in our lives that need us? Here’s how I do it… 1. I stay off of social media. The last thing you need is all the arguments over gun rights and politics and the pictures of abused children and then negativity. I’m not saying keeping your head in the sand makes it all go away but there is no reason to overload yourself when you already are feeling bad. 2. Prioritize – of course EVERYTHING is important. But I have no problem just pushing things off if they are not going to make the world end. Sometimes I won’t even check my email – this past week with the flu and the passing of a friend in a very traumatic way, I felt pulled in all directions. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed but you’re not going to do anyone any good if YOU have a breakdown too. So figure out what is MOST important – keep earning, keep paying the mortgage and take care of the kids. After that for me it was all 2nd.


Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

CERVICAL RETRACTION Stand with your back against a wall. Position a rolled up towel behind your neck.Tuck chin like you are nodding ‘yes’. Draw your chin closer to the back of your throat. Repeat 3 times. Loosens Tight Neck Muscles

“I’ve been through a lot this past year. I wasn’t sure if anything was going to get me back to normal again – or even where I felt OK and could exercise and keep up with my wife. This worked terrific. I feel good and I am back at the gym and doing things such as traveling. I’m relieved and happy. This was exactly what I was looking for – thank you. And you even kept it fun.” - D.H. I am back at the gym!

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