Winter Issue - National Founders Day


asserted the following:

• Greek Life administrators, the participants of the AFA Annual Meeting, did care about NPHC members as much as they care about IFC and Panhellenic members • The Greek Life Offices do not understand Black culture • Higher Educational Institu- tions don’t retain Advisors of color • Develop a national coalition denouncing racism in college fraternities and sororities • Bias training for all cur- rent and aspiring to become members of Greek organiza- tions • Develop a learning series specifically on race and racism led by Greek Life Offices • Don’t run from racist situa- tions • Craft a written strategy, per- haps developing a national curriculum • Campus climate survey data • Enact a national strategy to grow and better support NPHC organizations and multicultural sororities and fraternities • Diversify the Greek Life professionals • Offer an annual professional learning and skill building academy through AFA Brother Harper’s commentary regarding NPHC organizations was particularly heartfelt and painful as he described why NPHC organiza- tions were created to address the needs of African American students during a time when opportunities were closed to people of color. The presence of Kappa Alpha Psi at Dr. Harper closed by suggesting what to do:

Junior Grand Vice Polemarch Evan R. Jackson confers with AFA delegates.

the AFA Annual Conference showed our commitment to embrace best practices, to be open to new ways to addressing problems, to lead rather than follow and a willingness to partner to build a stron- ger Greek community across our nation’s campuses.

National Vice Chairman/Southwestern Province Chairman; Zack Stewart, Jr., Western Province Chairman; Earl F. Mer- ritt, Northern Province Chairman; Eric T. Pate, Northern Province Chairman; Maurice R. Miller, East Central Province Chairman; Claude Grimes, North Central Province Chairman; Edward A. Robinson, Southern Province Chairman; Bobby J. Arnold, Southeastern Province Chairman; Warren A. Green, Eastern Province Chair- man; Col. James R. Keel, Middle Western Province Chairman; Byron C. Turner, Middle Eastern Province Chairman; Calvin L. Smith, Jr., Semester Reporting Coordinator; Dr. Kevin W. Bailey, Higher Ed Advisory Group; and Plez Joyner, Certi- fication Coordinator. The annual meeting focused on a wide range of topics including: 1) Support our chapters by helping them reach the con- stitutional minimum chapter membership of seven students, 2) National Certifica- tion of Chapter Advisors, 3) The upgraded IT platform under Brother Plez Joyner, 4) 2020 Focus of various initiatives including Mental Health, Room to Read, Sexual As- sault Awareness and Prevention Program – Yo Konsent, 5) Specific Undergraduate initiatives under the leadership of Brother Ryan Tucker and Brother Evan Jackson, 6) Risk Management and Compliance, 7) Performance and Accountability expecta- tions of Chapter Advisors, and 8) Interna-

National Chapter Advisors Training Cluster Committee Annual Meeting The National Chap- ter Advisors Training Cluster Committee

is chaired the 102 nd Elder Watson Diggs Awardee, Alvin L. Barrington. Brother Darryl K. McGee serves as Vice Chairman. Both positions are appointed by Grand Polemarch Shelton. The National Chap- ter Advisors Training Cluster Committee structurally falls under the jurisdiction of Grand Polemarch Shelton. In turn, the respective Province Polemarch appoints a Province Chairman who sits on the Na- tional Committee. Each Province Chapter Advisor Chair- man is responsible for managing the advisory team of their respective province undergraduate chapters with the Prov- ince Polemarch. The current National Chapter Advisors Training Cluster Com- mittee members are: Barrington, McGee,


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