Winter Issue - National Founders Day

Institute (ULI).

of African American men, the Founda- tion has established itself as a leading voice of influence to bringing about the large scale social and systemic changes needed to improve the outcomes and lives of young people in underserved communities throughout America in the form of advocacy and program support. We recognize that the pressing issues facing our youth and communities in the 21 st century can only be solved through a multi-faceted approach that includes mobilizing and leveraging the public sector, effective utilization of social media, implementing innovative ideas, influencing policies that promote positive change and building alliances with like-minded organizations in all sectors of society who share the same vision and desire to make the world a greater place for all.

all brothers to join this effort to get the Foundation to its goal of $5 million in four years. I will NEVER ask you to do ANYTHING I am unwilling to do. Silhouette Dee (my wife) and I have already pledged $50,000 over the next four years but any amount from ALL brothers who are able will get us to the goal. You will hear more in the com- ing months and we will surely keep you updated on our progress. Thank you, brothers! I know I can count on you.

The Celebration of Achievement lun- cheon is a biennial event that has four main objectives: to celebrate success, honor achievement, inspire action and invest in community. The Celebration of Achievement luncheon recognizes our sponsors and corporate partners and provides schol- arships for academically deserving students. It also provides a vehicle to give back to organizations in the host community and across the country. The Foundation has had a major impact, but as an organization that is almost 40 years old it should be further along in the philanthropic world and we need the help of very brother in the bond to get to our rightful place. As the non-profit arm to one of the most historic organizations comprised mainly

Yours in the Bond, Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. Grand Polemarch

But for our internal piece, I am asking

“I will NEVER ask you to do ANYTHING I am unwilling to do.”


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